Checking items out

Checking items out at the Lending Services desk involves the process of scanning patron details from their student/staff card, handling and scanning the items to be borrowed, desensitising and passing the items back to the patron.

Staff may also be required to carry out other duties such as placing holds, registering patrons, changing patron details, dealing with queries, payment of fines, etc.

Throughout the checkout process staff must make many small movements with their hands, arms, shoulders and feet.

Clients will hand their ID card to the staff member who may lean over and pull the books towards them. This action puts strain on the lower back. Where possible, ask clients to push the items over the desk to you.

The checkout process should be organised so that items are handled as few times as possible.
Main points to consider:

Adjust the PC to suit you.

Avoid bending forward to pull books towards yourself.

Keep your wrists straight.

Avoiding lifting books where you can slide them.

Stand in a comfortable position and retain a good posture.

Spread you weight to both feet when standing and take pauses when you move the weight from one foot to the other.

Keep in close to the work

Avoid awkward twisting movements

Wear comfortable footwear

Reduce manual handling where possible.

Use the following video clip as a guide. Press the Play button to start the video clip.