Comedy gala poster, Midsumma festival, digital image, 2013.

Sustainable, Affordable, Original Art
Comedy gala poster, Midsumma festival, digital image, 2013.
Ford Falcon 25th anniversary poster, digital image c. 2013.
Paleo poster, digital image, 2012.
Landscape brochure, digital image, 2012
Wildlife postcard, digital image, 2013.
Physiotherapy brochure, digital image, 2012.
Beach resort brochure, digital image, 2012.
Collage, oil pastel, ink on paper.
From my trip to Carnarvon Gorge, central Queensland on a 25km hike I took up the centre of the gorge. Cabbage trees feature in the landscape and I love the contrast between the rock of the gorge and the vegetation.
Original is sold. Digital print available
Collage, oil pastel, ink on paper.
I took a trip to Krabi in Thailand and was particularly struck by the beautiful rock formations in the Andaman sea. Known as karsts, they are geologically quite rare, made of limestone.
I took a snorkelling trip out to some of them and we swam in caves under the karsts and at night amid bioluminesce plankton. It was quite an experience.
Original is sold. Digital print available
Collage, oil pastel, ink on paper.
From a most wonderful camping trip to Carnarvon Gorge in central Queensland. Truly one of the most spectacular places I’ve been to. I hiked 25km in one day, right up the centre of the gorge. There were beautiful glades with ferns everywhere. A magical and special place.